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Land-based Aquaculture Report 2024 (Fourth Edition)

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LBAR 2024 Advertiser - B Reeldata (Biomass) Simona Stadpipe Atlantium Merck Oxyguard Sturtevant
LBAR 2024 Advertiser - B Reeldata (Biomass) Simona Stadpipe Atlantium Merck Oxyguard Sturtevant

Land-based Aquaculture Report 2024 (Fourth Edition)


Jul. 01, 2024

Land-based Aquaculture Report 2024 (Fourth Edition)


Jul. 01, 2024


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Land-based Aquaculture Report 2024 (Fourth Edition)


Jul. 01, 2024

The land-based aquaculture industry is maturing, and some cases are showing economic viability. Since our 2023 edition, a new generation of projects have entered into the production phase. Key grow-out operations have started to execute on time and on budget. The net-pen salmon industry continues to adopt RAS technology to cope with growing biological challenges at sea.

This fourth edition of the Land-based Aquaculture Report, by Spheric Research, is the most current and comprehensive data-driven overview of the global land-based aquaculture industry and its suppliers to date. It includes operators from both recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) and partial RAS systems.  

Spheric’s proprietary database is founded on visits to facilities and interactions with projects as far back as the early 2000s, and it now includes all land-based systems in the world we are aware of. This new state of the industry report provides insights into the evolution of the industry, including established and newer operating companies. The report contains a more fully developed model for production, capex and open statistics. Also, it has categorized industry suppliers for the first time.

The 2024 edition has two options:

PDF Report includes:

  • First-in-industry: the only project database on land-based aquaculture
  • Industry analysis: primary research on trends and actors across all species
  • Grow-out projects: 150 +
  • Smolt facilities: 200 +
  • Data analysis: models capex, opex and production data
  • Hard-to-obtain intel: China and Russia
  • Case studies & site visits: Atlantic Sapphire, Salmon Evolution, Skagen Salmon, Nordic Kingfish, Salmones Austral (Los Arrayanes) post-smolt facility

LBAR Digital + includes:

  • Year-round access to linked databases with real-time updates
  • Detailed profiles on all companies
  • Project developments and specifications
  • A searchable directory of over 100 equipment & services suppliers with relevant project histories and downloadable data
  • Annual state-of-the-industry PDF report packed with insights from an ever-growing library of data

The report is based on global industry data and research spanning more than two decades by experts and professionals in the land-based aquaculture space.

LBAR 2024 Advertiser - A Skretting Balmoral Reeldata (Reel Appetite) Nofitech Innovasea Octaform
LBAR 2024 Advertiser - A Skretting Balmoral Reeldata (Reel Appetite) Nofitech Innovasea Octaform
LBAR 2024 Advertiser - A skretting Balmoral Reeldata (Reel Appetite) Nofitech Innovasea Octaform